Adopted Pugs


Sassy was owner surrendered due to time restrictions. She is now happy in her new home with another pug to play with!


“Hi! My name is Otis, and I am a 5 month old male pug puppy. I have lots of puppy energy, and I love to run around and play with my pug friends in my foster home. When I’m not…


Faith is doing great! She has learned to sit when I tell her to sit. I’m excited about that. Now we’re working on shaking “paws.” Our vet says she is a healthy 16 pounds and that is where she should…


My son and I adopted Sydney from Midwest Pug Rescue Christmas 2008. Sydney was very skittish when we first got him. He would get startled easily and bark at everything. Also, he was 3 years old and never potty trained!…


We adopted Lady a few days before Christmas. Her foster family told us that she’d been rescued from a puppymill in Missouri around Thanksgiving and that when they first got her, she was scared of everything. However, by the time…


Lola was rescued from a puppy mill in October 2008. She was very fortunate to be placed with great foster parents who helped her start her recovery process. When she was rescued she was underweight, had ear infections, and a…


Luke is a sweet young male pug. He was found in an abandoned house in Avoca, Iowa with his two other pug siblings. He was quite skinny when we got him, but his current foster family is working to get…


Every morning before I started working I would pull up the rescue website to see if he was still there. I was waiting for someone to help him. I was waiting for someone to care. You see, I wasn’t looking…


Buddy was released from a puppy mill in Kirksville, MO. He was scared of people and no idea how to live a normal pug life. Now he’s a normal fun loving pug.


Millie is a darling 3 year old female pug that was release from a puppy-mill down in Kansas. She is a very sweet pug with a lot of personality and love to give everyone. She was adopted by her foster…

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